Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Happy Holy Week

Lily asked me today what my favorite holiday was. I had to think for a minute, but the more I thought about it, the more sure I am that Easter is. It definitely was as a kid. I remember being fascinated by the whole sunrise service idea and waking up my whole family at the crack of dawn one year.

When I was eight our church put on a children's play about Passover and how it relates to Easter. I was too young to have a part, but I memorized the whole thing anyway. The other little kids and I waved palm branches and sang a song during the Palm Sunday part.

I loved it when I was old enough to go to Maundy Thursday service. It was so cool to get to act out the Last Supper and actually wash each other's feet. Then later our church started doing an Easter Vigil that goes for 24 hours a day during Holy Week. They decorate different rooms according to a theme, with verses and quotes and music to stimulate prayer and reflection on different topics. So cool! (My loving husband is making it possible for me to go this year. I'm so excited!)

Anyway, all that's to say, I'm totally enjoying Lent and especially Holy Week this year. William and Lily are old enough to understand at least at a basic level and act out the different parts of the story. Tonight we did the Last Supper, and it was so fun for me to see them catch that same awe that I have. They got such a kick out of washing each other's feet. And they kept breaking the crackers and giving them to each other long after we sang and blew out the candles.

The last week or so at bedtime, William has been saying goodnight and then calling me back, "Mama!"
"Yes, William?" I ask.
Then he usually tells me a 1-3 word phrase of whatever he's been thinking about that day, mostly having to do with Thomas. (It's so fun to have him share with me what's going on in his head!) Last night he said, "Jesus," and tonight he said, "Lazarus." Priceless!

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