Thursday, October 4, 2012

Eighteen Months and Counting

Abigail had her 18 month wellcheck last week.  Faithful to her genes, she was 40th percentile for height, 75th percentile for weight, and 90th percentile for head circumference. 

Abby seems to learn something new every day.  She has no problem communicating with her little vocabulary.  Her favorite words are "uh-oh," "dis" (this), and "me, me, me!"  She loves to point out every bus and she especially loves to greet her beloved Daddy.

She loves books, and will bring you book after book from the bookshelf so you can read to her.  She has a little green Gideon New Testament she carries with her almost everywhere.

She likes to draw, and will often color/draw for a good 30-45 minutes while I do school with William.  I would prefer she napped (We are all so much happier when she does!), but I'm grateful she lasts that long at the kitchen table.

Abby is a typical third-born child in the way she is always wanting to do what the big kids do.  She is very independent and wants to walk and do things herself.  She follows the older two around and especially copies Lily (who has learned to take it as a compliment, PTL).  Abby has shown quite a bit of interest in the potty, but after one day of trying to do both potty training and school, I've decided to put that off till a holiday break.

Abby continues to have a special soft spot for Bingley, and I often have to remind her that her food is for her and not for the doggie.  She seems to enjoy the outdoors and is not afraid to try new things.  She's a bundle of love with a lot of potential, and I'm looking forward to seeing the woman she becomes.

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