Saturday, February 12, 2011

It's Potty Time

Lily has shown a renewed interest in the potty lately. It may be partially due to the fact that I finally gave into her begging and bought another copy of the It's Potty Time video since we accidentally recorded over the old one. More likely it is because I finally found a good motivator- Hello Kitty stickers.

Anyway, between her renewed interest, William's ongoing training, and my very pregnant self, we're spending a good portion of each day in the bathroom. Yesterday at dinner, Lily randomly started singing, "I use my potty when I have to poop." Eric and I both smiled, and I explained, "Well, Love, that's where we live these days."

1 comment:

  1. That will be a great help for you to get Lily trained while having an infant! Keep up the good work!
