Monday, October 3, 2011

My First Appeal

As the conflict in Sovereign Grace Ministries continues, I can be tempted to think I've done all I can do to help. God graciously reminded me last week that that is not true. I still have multiple things I can do: I can pray, I can fast, I can humbly appeal to authority. My temptation is to take that last action point and run with it. But I think trusting God means starting with an appeal to Him first and foremost.

The idea of fasting can seem undoable as a nursing mom, but the more I have prayed and talked to Eric about it, the more I realized partial fasting is very doable. It can be as minimal as no desserts, or it can be no meat (like Catholics during Lent), or just fruit and veggies, or just veggies. It can be one day a week, or one meal a day, or just one meal a week.

Not that I want to discourage anyone who feels called to completely fast. But for those who feel too daunted to even try that, maybe you could start with something smaller like this, and let God build your faith as you move along.

The Mahaney ladies have encouraged fasting on their blog for years. Isn't it appropriate for us to return them the favor and fast on their and their men's behalf now?

If you are part of Sovereign Grace or a friend at least somewhat familiar with what's going on, would you consider joining me in praying and fasting for our group of churches and our leaders? Maybe you already are- Thank you!

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