Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Bit Like Snoopy

I always thought that Eric didn't like Christmas. I'm learning that he really does, he just likes to decide for himself how he celebrates it. This year he was excited to get lights for the house. They are giant LED bulbs that flash in different patterns with a programmable remote. This picture doesn't do them justice. The kids just love them.


Ever since we got the swingset up, the kids have been begging for me to come out and push them all the time. Then yesterday I heard the rhythmic sound of the swingset creaking and looked outside to see William pushing Lily. So sweet! Today, I heard that sound again while feeding Abby, and Eric looked out to see William pumping himself- Hooray!

Happy Thanksgiving!

I meant to post this on Thursday. Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

The tongue

Abby's newest thing is to stick out her tongue all the time. Sort of like Michael Jordan I guess...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Getting Ready for Thanksgiving

A Princess Crown

Handmade by Lily and stuck on with a lick.

A Cheerful Heart... good medicine! Thanks, Hannah!!

Fall Project

Thanks to both Grandpas, I got my fall project done just before the cold set in. We bought the swingset from the neighbors. Still needs some work, but very functional. William had a great time helping, and he actually was a real help with the staining. Not so much with reassembling it... dear Grandpa was persistent though. And now both kids are loving it. We plan to add a baby swing for Abby.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Please Pray With Us

Last week Eric and I went to the Sovereign Grace Pastors Conference. I came home with a heavy burden to pray and encourage others to pray. I was convicted and inspired by Lynn Jones' example. Lynn is a long-time member of Covenant Life Church. She gave up her week to come to the conference simply to pray. She set up a room and hung a sign and welcomed anyone who joined her. It was such a blessing to my soul to hear her playing her guitar and singing whenever I walked down that hallway.

So, whether you know what all is going on in Sovereign Grace right now or not, would you consider praying regularly with us and for us? May God deepen our dependence on Him through this time!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Lily's had a blast trying out all her birthday presents. This morning she made cupcakes with the baking set from Auntie Mim, Tio 'Teo, and Lydia. She is getting to be such a big girl!

A Taste of Farm Life

Making applesauce

Helping Grandpa