Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bingley Update

Thanks, everyone, for praying for Bingley. We've been fighting sickness in this house, so we didn't get to take him to the specialist until today. We went to Gateway Animal Clinic this morning. It was a bit of a wait, as we were told, but the kids were really good. Praise God! The staff and doctor were all super friendly and seemed very knowledgeable.

The doctor said he doesn't think Bingley has Legg Perthes. That is a very fast progressing disease. He said if that was Bingley's condition, he would be immobile by now. He thinks the deformity at the top of the femur is just a little hip displasia, which shouldn't bother him much since he's such a little dog. So that's a big praise!

There are a couple other things it could be. His best guess was a back injury. He gave Bingley an anti-inflammatory medicine and said to call back if that didn't make a difference in the next 5 days. So you can join me in praying Bingley will continue to heal.

Thanks again!

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