Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Staying in the Center of Biblical Tension

One of the great concepts I learned at Columbia Bible College was the importance of "staying in the center of biblical tension."  In other words, we need to be careful not to take truths farther than the Bible takes them; we need to keep different biblical truths in balance with each other.  I have thought about that a lot over the years.  Recently, it's come to mind with the different conversations going on in Sovereign Grace Ministries. 

Whatever giving elders honor (1 Tim. 5:17) and making their job a joy (Heb 13:17) mean, they need to be held in balance with the truth that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23)as well as Jesus' teaching to not call anyone but God our teacher and father (Mt. 23:9).

Whatever making charitable judgments and walking in humility looks like, it cannot mean naivety since Jesus told his disciples to be shrewd as serpents and harmess as doves (Mt 10:16).

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