Thursday, December 22, 2011


I had suggested to Lily that we get her hair cut short. She was scared of the big scissors, so yesterday she decided to take care of it herself. Actually, I was pretty impressed with how well she did. And she did really well at the hairdresser's today too. She told me afterwards that she prayed and asked God to help her, and He did!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Independent Baby

Being the third born child, Abby is learning to fend for herself from a young age. I got distracted from feeding her to help the older two with something this morning, and I came back to find she had figured out how to hold her bottle herself.

Other Abby news: She got her 8th tooth last week, she's eating some "real" food now, and she says Dada, Mom, a-da (all done), yeah, and hey/hi pretty consistently. She seems so much older than 9 months!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Making Coffee Bread

This month we are learning about family trees and heritage as part of our study of the patriarchs. Last week we made pizzelles with Grandpa R. Today we made Finnish coffee bread with Grandma B. Yum! Now the trick will be to not eat it all before Christmas...

Sunday, December 18, 2011

First Snowman of the Season

The kids were so excited that the snow hadn't melted when we got home from church. They sang, Frosty the Snowman as we built our first snowman.

Child Labor

We came home last night to snow, and wow! the kids were excited. While Eric tried to get the snow blower going, the kids got to work shoveling. They had a blast, and they cleared most of the back driveway. What a big help!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Gingerbread House Disaster

I was impatient and didn't wait for the walls to harden before adding the roof this year. When I first discovered the disaster, I was afraid the kids would cry. But Lily said, "Oh well, I guess we'll have to eat it!"

Visit with Santa

Every year at preschool, Santa pays a visit to the kids. This year my kiddos were super into it. They remembered Santa and were shaking with excitement.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Please Pray for Bingley

Our dear Shitzu, Mr. Bingley, has been walking funny and favoring his one back leg for the last few weeks. He saw the vet today, and the diagnosis wasn't good. He said that he's not positive, but he thinks Bingley may have a serious and painful condition called Legg-Perthes Disease, which involves a spontaneous degeneration of the head of the femur bone. Poor Bing! Please pray for him.

I already found a clinic here run by a rescue that does orthopedic surgeries for a greatly reduced cost. I'm hoping to have them take a look at him next week to confirm the diagnosis and give us their recommendation on how to proceed. Praise God for that provision! But miraculous, complete healing would be my preference, of course!

Thursday, December 8, 2011


One of William's new interests
Lily asked hers to be attached to a kite string.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Advent has begun!

Advent and Christmas are larger than life this year. The kids are so excited about each part- the lights, the Jesse tree, the Advent candles, and especially the Advent calendars (felt and chocolate). Wednesday we "helped" Grandma and Grandpa B decorate their tree. Auntie Jenn is coming this weekend to take our family Christmas picture. It's so fun to see them thoroughly enjoy each activity.

We are taking a break from the Beginner's Storybook Bible (my favorite) to read The Jesus Storybook Bible this month. It doesn't have as many of the details, but it captures the wonder and anticipation of waiting for the Savior.

I'm hoping to have the kids learn the names of all the Nativity characters this year, and maybe the beginning stanza of Hark the Harold Angels Sing (with the help of the push-the-button Charlie Brown's Christmas book.) Happy Advent, everyone!

Sock Ons

While we were at my parents' house for Thanksgiving, my Aunt Jan and sister-in-law Vanessa showed me these clever little elastic bands for keeping babies' socks on. I ordered some right away. Abby was pretty mad about them for the first hour, but then she seemed to accept them. Not that she hasn't kept trying- but as of yet, she hasn't gotten either of her socks off when these are on. Pretty impressive!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Bit Like Snoopy

I always thought that Eric didn't like Christmas. I'm learning that he really does, he just likes to decide for himself how he celebrates it. This year he was excited to get lights for the house. They are giant LED bulbs that flash in different patterns with a programmable remote. This picture doesn't do them justice. The kids just love them.


Ever since we got the swingset up, the kids have been begging for me to come out and push them all the time. Then yesterday I heard the rhythmic sound of the swingset creaking and looked outside to see William pushing Lily. So sweet! Today, I heard that sound again while feeding Abby, and Eric looked out to see William pumping himself- Hooray!

Happy Thanksgiving!

I meant to post this on Thursday. Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

The tongue

Abby's newest thing is to stick out her tongue all the time. Sort of like Michael Jordan I guess...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Getting Ready for Thanksgiving

A Princess Crown

Handmade by Lily and stuck on with a lick.

A Cheerful Heart... good medicine! Thanks, Hannah!!

Fall Project

Thanks to both Grandpas, I got my fall project done just before the cold set in. We bought the swingset from the neighbors. Still needs some work, but very functional. William had a great time helping, and he actually was a real help with the staining. Not so much with reassembling it... dear Grandpa was persistent though. And now both kids are loving it. We plan to add a baby swing for Abby.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Please Pray With Us

Last week Eric and I went to the Sovereign Grace Pastors Conference. I came home with a heavy burden to pray and encourage others to pray. I was convicted and inspired by Lynn Jones' example. Lynn is a long-time member of Covenant Life Church. She gave up her week to come to the conference simply to pray. She set up a room and hung a sign and welcomed anyone who joined her. It was such a blessing to my soul to hear her playing her guitar and singing whenever I walked down that hallway.

So, whether you know what all is going on in Sovereign Grace right now or not, would you consider praying regularly with us and for us? May God deepen our dependence on Him through this time!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Lily's had a blast trying out all her birthday presents. This morning she made cupcakes with the baking set from Auntie Mim, Tio 'Teo, and Lydia. She is getting to be such a big girl!

A Taste of Farm Life

Making applesauce

Helping Grandpa

Monday, October 24, 2011

Useful Vessels

I've been reading a short biography of Martin Luther for Reformation Day. It's been interesting to read it in light of our own church struggles. One thing that has stood out is how God uses all sorts of people. You don't have to be perfect for God to use you. God uses everybody; we are all vessels. But the more sin we each bring to the table, the more messy the process becomes.

"In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work." 2 Tim. 2:20-21

One of my prayers is that we would be useful vessels right now.

My Big Girl

Lily made me so proud this weekend. She was very excited for her birthday, but she was still a good friend and a good sister. We were going to have her friends party at Chuck E Cheese, but we had to switch it to McDonalds at the last minute. She didn't even cry. We also ended up watching some boys from church on Sunday during the party. She was a bit confused at first when I told her they were coming, but she totally accepted it and ended up having a lot of fun with them.

It's so wild to watch her grow up. I can totally see God's hand on her, and I marvel at His kindness. She is a gift to this family. Here she is showing off her favorite present from her friends party- a slap bracelet.


At the friends party we had cupcakes, but at the family party, we had cake. No birthday is complete without cake!

Lily enjoyed showing Abigail how to eat cake with her new birthday play set.

Lydia was not able to come to the family party as her baby brother is likely to arrive any time now. But Brenna came (along with her parents, both grandparents, and Auntie Jenn), and she and Lily had a great time together.

Lily's Friends' Birthday Party

Birthday Prep

Jenn's Photos

We enjoyed seeing Jenn's pics on Facebook from her phone camera during her trip out west this fall. But now she has some of the ones from her nice camera on her website. They are amazing!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I finally joined Facebook

I've resisted joining Facebook because of its consuming nature. But I decided to finally join- or at least contribute- by starting a page called Persistent Widow. It's my little effort to encourage prayer for Sovereign Grace churches.

I don't have a lot to say. I just want to offer regular reminders to ask God for reconciliation- He wants to be asked!

"I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in His Word I hope; my soul waits for the LORD more than watchmen for the morning, more than watchmen for the morning." Ps. 130:5-6

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A scene that makes my mama's heart smile


Lily got new headbands, and everyone had fun trying them on. Well, Bingley didn't enjoy it too much, but we enjoyed watching him. I had a headband on too that day, so I tried to get in one of the pictures. You can't see my headband, but I thought it was still cute.

(BTW, Abby's bib says, "I'm NOT a Boy!" Unfortunately, the NOT is in yellow, and so most people miss it, which totally defeats the purpose of the message...)