Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy Birthday, Ma!

Today is Eric’s mom’s birthday, lovingly referred to as Ma or Grandma B in this house.

Grandma B is a home maker extraordinaire. She can cook, bake, sew, crochet, quilt, remodel, paint, wallpaper, decorate, and garden with excellence and an eye for detail. She and Grandpa B came out for two weeks to help us paint and fix up our house before we moved in. And they have continued to joyfully serve us on a regular basis now that they live close. The kids have enjoyed having regular time with Grandma and Grandpa this year, and it is a huge blessing to have such eager babysitters nearby.

But most of all, we are grateful for Ma’s example of faith in God and love for His Word. She was the first one saved in their family, and I’m sure her prayers had a lot to do with Eric, his siblings, and his dad eventually all being born again. She has dived into church life here, not at all bothered by the fact that she and Sonny were older than everyone else. And now I know they are going to be a big blessing as our church welcomes a number of seniors as part of this transition.

Last Saturday another heart incident landed Ma in the hospital. We were all relieved that she was released after just one night. But it wasn’t soon enough for Ma. She told the nurse to try to hurry so she could get to the Sunday morning church service. “There’s new people there, and I want to be able to greet them,” she explained. Talk about not retiring from Kingdom work!

Ma, we love you and thank God for you today. Happy Birthday!

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