Friday, May 20, 2011

IEP Report

William's IEP meeting went ok today. It could have been better; it could have been worse. I was very aware of my lack of preparation compared to last year. We still got all the services- special ed, tutoring, speech, OT. No one gave me a hard time about our general plan. But I didn't get all the goals I wanted.

It may work out fine in the end. Since we're working with private providers through the scholarship, they may be willing to take my suggestions even though they are not written on the IEP. We just don't have any guarantee of that. I'm trusting in God's sovereignty.

The meeting was a lot less stressful than last year's- everyone was congenial. Still, it's amazing how much it takes out of me. I came home feeling unnerved and emotionally spent. I'm glad I don't have to do another one for a whole year.

Lily used to always ask me if I missed her while I'm gone. It's often a bit of a tricky question for me since, as much as I love my kids, I often enjoy little breaks when they come. Lately, however, she's started asking me if I had a good time while I'm gone. That is usually an easier question to answer.

This afternoon Lily asked, "How did your meeting go, Mommy?" I wasn't sure what to say. "It went ok," I replied. And then I realized something positive I could add, "I missed you."

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