Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Language Acquisition

Like I mentioned before, William's language has hit a growth spurt in the last week or so. He no longer needs the paper to say, "I want..." He is using lots of longer words and phrases (mostly from Thomas movies). My favorite is when he says, "Thank you, God," and then answers himself, "You're welcome."

Most excitedly, he's starting to combine words in different ways. Tonight I heard him say an original sentence for the first time: "I t.v. for Jenn." It took me a while to figure out what he meant. He finally showed me- He wanted to clean up the videos. He had heard me talking about cleaning and preparing for company this week, and he wanted to participate.

Interestingly, William's also had significant behavior issues lately, which is why the videos needed to be cleaned up. And he's regressed in potty training. I'm not sure if that's coincidental or related. (Perhaps his brain can only handle so much?) Personally, I wouldn't trade it though. I am so grateful!!

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