Monday, June 20, 2011

A Place For Us

This weekend we received a huge answer to prayer. The Christian school in the town where I grew up that my dad taught at for years and my brothers and I went to our whole childhoods, has agreed to take William as a student in their independent studies (ie. supervised home schooling) program whenever we want to enroll him (most likely a year from now).

This is huge for a number of reasons:

-Our solution for this coming year was really a postponement of the decision of what to do for elementary school. We can't keep going to preschool forever, and our tutor informed me a couple weeks ago that this coming year will be her last.

-I've spent the last year and a half researching public and private school options for William, and come up short.

-We can home school with extra help from experienced moms, lots of resources, and overhead from an official organization so the school district won't bother us.

-The school is a scholarship provider, so the program will be paid for and we can benefit from scholarship provider speech, OT, and tutoring (if we can find another tutor- anyone interested?)

-The program includes extracurricular classes twice a month that we may be able to participate in for socialization. These classes are thoroughly Christian and taught by veteran teachers, some of whom are longtime family friends.

-The program goes through high school, so we don't have to research options again in 3 or 5 or 7 years if we don't want to.

-Lily and Abby can participate in the future for a reasonable fee.

-And, probably my favorite, it gives us an excuse to visit my parents twice a month!

Is that incredible or what?! I'm still in awe; it just seems too wonderful to be true.

Thanks so much for all your prayers. We are rejoicing in God's provision!


  1. It's so awesome to watch how God provides! Rejoicing with you!

  2. Rejoicing with you!! Praise God from whom all blessing flow!
