Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Preschool Prep Colors DVD

With all the curriculum and treatment conversations that go on in the special needs world, it's hard for me to understand how I didn't know about the Preschool Prep dvds until recently. I guess I had seen them around, but didn't understand how they differed from other educational videos.

We have a good bit of experience with preschool educational videos in this house. Not that I think any particular video is a magic pill. But, hey,we're going to be watching movies anyway, so it doesn't hurt to make some of them educational. We've tried Baby Babble, Winnie the Pooh, Leap Frog, Hooked on Phonics, Sesame Street, Boz, and others. William has learned things from them, some more than others.

What makes preschool prep different, is it's aimed at a young audience (1-2 year olds), the audio is extremely simple (music and whatever words the child is suppose to be learning- nothing more), and they did a study documenting the extreme success of the alphabet video.

That alphabet video is a bit much for William. But he loves the colors one. Each color has a personality, theme music, and setting. They act out silly or fun little scenes while repeating their names over and over. It progresses from each color acting out their own scene, to each color taking turns finding things that match them, to them working together to color pictures. It ends with them all dancing.

We started watching the Colors dvd last week. At that time William could not name any of the colors consistently. Today both his tutor and speech therapist reported he knew red, blue, and green. When he gets all 8 colors, I'm going to move on to shapes, then numbers. Hopefully after that he'll be ready for the alphabet one (which has upper and lower case). There are also 3 sight word dvds we will hopefully be able to benefit from in the future. God has provided again!

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