Saturday, September 10, 2011

"This Halting of Decay"

Housework has never been my thing. I love my husband and kiddos, but cooking for them and cleaning up the messes they create has never been my thing. This week I received fresh inspiration for doing housework from an unlikely source.

I started reading Sharon James' God's Design for Women. She starts out reviewing feminist history. As part of that review, she quotes Simone de Beauvoir talking about the life-sapping nature of housework, "Washing, ironing, sweeping...all this halting of decay..." For some reason, that description changed the way I see my housework, in a good way.

I'm surrounded by decay- leftover soggy cheerios, poopy diapers, spit up, sticky juice stains, snotty tissues. But I don't need to be discouraged about that. Just like how doctors are pushing back the Curse by fighting cancer and godly politicians are helping bring about justice in a fallen world, I'm halting decay in my little corner of the world. Even if I'm just kicking toys out of the way to make a path through the family room, that's bringing a little order to chaos, pushing back the Fall.

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