Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Getting Ready for Lent

I'm not sure I did the numbering right- Are you suppose to count the Sundays?? But it's better than nothing... I think we'll color a number each day. Behind the tombstone it says "Easter Sunday!"
Tomorrow I want to do an Ash Wednesday activity with the kids where we write sins on little pieces of paper and burn them. Hopefully we won't burn ourselves in the process! Then I think we'll talk about the events leading up to Palm Sunday and maybe add little pictures to the calendar for different ones (blind Bartimeus, raising Lazarus, Mary washing Jesus' feet, etc.) I'm hoping to also do a resurrection garden. (It didn't go well last year, but I think it's worth trying again.) I know a lot of people fast during Lent, but it seems a bit much to ask of preschoolers. I think we might try praying in the dark, at least on Sundays. We'll see how that goes. =?
None of this stuff is anything worth selling, or even keeping, but hopefully it will help the kiddos learn the meaning of Jesus' death and resurrection. Sunday at church one of the pastors talked about Jesus being our treasure. William started saying, "Pirate...treasure....ship..." I tried to tell him Jesus is our treasure. "Jesus?" William asked confused. He was probably imagining Jesus with a patch on his eye, or maybe baby Jesus in a treasure chest. I pray God enables us to explain the gospel to him in a way he (and Lily!) can understand!

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