Sunday, July 15, 2012


Saturday evening I took the kids to a circus (Eric was at a church event).  They had animal rides and other activities beforehand, and I'm so mad at myself for not getting a picture of William and Lily on the elephant.

It was not the most amazing show in the world, but definitely enough to mesmerize my crew.   When they put a dog in a cage, covered it, and then uncovered it to reveal a girl, Lily was convinced the dog became a girl.  "They have good magic, huh?" she said.  When the acrobats were twirling upside down on ropes high in the air, Lily said, "I don't think I'd want to do that."  (I tried taking pictures of the performance, but it was too dark in the tent and none of them turned out.)

William was also very engaged.  At first he seemed scared for the performers, especially the clowns who were always falling down and getting "hurt."  But then as everyone laughed and cheered, he seemed to catch on to the fact that it was pretend and suppose to be funny.  The best part of the show was when a clown kept "falling" off a high stand onto a trampoline, jumping back up to the stand in a funny pose, and then "falling" again and again. 

Abby, who's been miserable for days (and we now think has hand-foot-and-mouth disease) was completely enraptured, clapping and laughing along through the whole thing.  And so, to my amazement, we made it through the whole two hour program and didn't leave till "the very end" just like Lily wanted.

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