Sunday, July 15, 2012

Toddler Life

Abby is 16 months now. She can now climb up and down stairs and onto chairs, and generally get into everything. She loves doing whatever the big kids are doing- riding bikes or going down the slide or going potty. She even likes helping carry in the groceries. 

She seems to have more opinions than my other two had at this age, as least as I remember it. She still loves Bingley and loves to hold the leash when we go for walks. She is pretty sweet and smiley most the time. 

The only complaint I have is she hardly naps- about 45 minutes a day. Not sure how that's going to work next year as I was counting on doing homeschooling during her naps...  And the lack of naps doesn't mean she sleeps more at night, usually 9-10 hours and often with interruptions.  Still, there could be worse things.

(For those of you who know of Lily's love for her purple blankie, you may notice she doesn't have it any more.  She ate it to bits.  Now she's working on her white blankie.  I figure, it's a bad habit that will take care of itself...)

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