Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Funeral to Remember

This seems to be a season of funerals.  Sobering, I must say.  I went to a funeral of a longtime friend's dad a few weeks ago, and it's been in my mind ever since. 

Funerals display people's character, both the person who died and their friends and family.  Sometimes it gets pretty yucky, but sometimes it's simply beautiful.

At this friend's dad's funeral, my friend's mom sang.  She sang a song she had written.  It wasn't about her husband or about her own life.  It was a song of worship to Jesus for His salvation.  And she sang it so joyfully.  It was such a striking picture; I can't get it out of my head. 

I can't sing, so I know I won't be singing any solos at Eric's funeral (which is hopefully many, many years away).  But I hope I will be able to worship like that in that moment.

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