Sunday, September 16, 2012

Explanations from the SGM Board

This past week the current SGM Board did us all the service of explaining their perspective and actions this past year, for which I am very grateful.  The responses match very consistently with the explanations communicated to us personally, but I'm so glad they've been published so all SGM church members can read them. 

Personally, I found the following sections most clarifying:

Regarding the way CJ and the SGM Leadership Team has related to CLC pastors (which in a previous blogpost this week the current board acknowledged have been in conflict) and members:

"These questions do not involve matters of sin or ethical violation—they are matters of judgment." (p.1)

They go on to say, "We also want to allow debatable secondary issues to distract us from our mission to plant and build local churches and to find a governance that pleases the Lord and seems good to as many of us as possible. As we have so many times in the past, let’s strive to allow grace and love to win the day."

And regarding CJ being re-instated as President:

"We do not think this is the time for a debate about who should lead our ministry. We have a major transition to make in our governance, and we believe that no other leader in our movement has the qualities that will effectively guide us through these changes." (p.5)


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