Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Lily is Five!

Lily turned five last month.  She has grown up so much recently!  I feel like we've walked through a door into a new season.  She seems so much older than she was even last spring- thoughtful, responsible, self-controlled, and able to think through things, ask questions, and understand explanations.  A few of the conversations we've had this fall: the economy and the national debt, the presidential race, are Catholics going to heaven, and if Jesus is the biggest how does he fit in a house (which led to a discussion of the incarnation and the Trinity).

She's a busy girl with her Fit by Five preschool class two afternoons a week, ballet, and sewing lessons at Grandma B's.  She's a quick learner, an eager helper, and a loving sister.  She has an eye for detail and is my reminder-er.  She also has a soft heart for others and for God.  I love to hear her sing songs to Jesus that she makes up as she goes along.

With Daddy

Lily wanted matching purple princess dresses for her and Abby for her birthday present.  Unfortunately, Abby totally refused to wear hers.  Lily still completely enjoyed wearing hers.

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