Sunday, November 18, 2012

One of "Them"

The schooling has overtaken my blogging, as you all can tell.  I'm so sorry!  We've had so much life to report too, but I just haven't had the few moments to record it.  I know I will regret that.  So I'm going to go back and do a few retroactive posts.

Here's a shelter the kids made in the backyard from fallen branches (and that was before Sandy).  They got the idea from a Curious George video.  Growing up, there was a house we drove by often that had a lifesize tepee.  I didn't know the people, but always assumed they must be a bit weird.  Now I shake my head and swallow my pride and accept that I'm one of "them."

Actually, I've been surprised at how much I've enjoyed homeschooling.  Creating my own worksheets is extremely time consuming, but I really enjoy the strategizing and the actual school time.  William doesn't so much.  He gets into the science projects (like this shelter), but math, reading, and writing are a chore.  Still, he's learning, and that's what matters. 

We have a new tutor now; she comes two mornings a week.  So far she's done mostly review, but it's been helpful to have a break and be able to give the girls more attention.

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