Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Aunt Marian

Eric's Aunt Marian came to visit us for a couple days this week. What a treat! Aunt Marian is Eric's special aunt- the one who took a special interest in him and took him and his siblings on fun adventures when he was a kid. (Everyone should have a special aunt, don't you think?)

It was a real treat for me to get to know her. She's pretty much lived my ideal life- traveling the United States and the world. She's a prolific reader and a history buff. I especially enjoyed hearing about her experiences volunteering in institutions for children with physical and mental handicaps in India and China.

She was a great sport, going with us to an African Safari park. I thought we'd be in air conditioning the whole time, but that did not end up being the case. I think she handled the heat better than either Eric or me. I'm sorry I totally forgot to take pictures at the park. I guess I was too busy waving carrots out the window trying to entice the giraffes... Anyway, here's one at bedtime.

Thanks so much, Aunt Marian, for taking the time to invest in Eric and now in our kids!

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