Sunday, July 10, 2011

Our Hope

As many of you already know, the president of our family of churches, CJ Mahaney, announced this past Thursday that he is taking a leave of absence to deal with a number of charges against him. This past week was a busy one for Eric and me as we've been learning and processing what this is about. It's been very sad and sobering.

Last night God spoke to us through the evening's Daily Light entry. The opening verse was 1 Cor. 3:13, "The Day will disclose it." The final passage was from Jer. 32:18b-19:
"O great and mighty God
, whose name is the Lord of hosts,
great in counsel and mighty in deed, whose eyes are open to all the ways of the children of man, rewarding each one according to his ways and according to the fruit of his deeds."

Our hope in this process is not in our leaders (though I was greatly encouraged to hear Josh Harris' description of and response to the situation in his Sunday sermon at Covenant Life Church this morning). Our hope is not in an independent panel. It's not even in the power of the truth. Our hope is in God. And whatever happens with this process, He knows all, He has seen all, and He will reward each according to their deeds.

This is an in-house situation, so all the sins committed are forgiven sins. And yet there will be a Day when God will bring everything to light and will reward His people for the good they have done, seen and unseen. In the meantime, He will continue to build His Church. I'm so glad He is in control.

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