Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Yesterday at swimming lessons, something clicked for William. All the sudden, he realized we weren't giving him instructions to keep him from having fun in the water- we were instructing him how to have even more fun by actually swimming in the water, specifically, how to go under water safely. By the end of the lesson, he was excitedly swimming back and forth between the instructor and me over and over again. The instructor had him stop for a second and he emphatically said, "I want swimming!"

That's how it normally is with William. We work and work and fight and fight, and nothing happens. And then one day it clicks. I thought about that last night when William took a Little Einsteins book to bed with him. A year ago he couldn't match photos to their object. But now he recognizes color cartoons and even some simple or familiar line drawings.

So, would you please join me in praying for another area that needs to "click"? It's potty training. We've been working on it for three years now. So often I've felt like we were about to conquer it, only to experience another set back. And now I'm fairly certain that having an older brother that's not potty trained is what is holding Lily back.

I know God cares about these very personal details of our lives, and I know He hears our prayers. He always answers. Thank you for joining me!

1 comment:

  1. heather says to check out "toilet training in less than a day" it worked for our kids, and heather thinks there is a particular section in there that might be good for you guys.
