Saturday, August 13, 2011

Race Day

At the beginning of the summer we got a book out from the library about disability. In the book, the boy runs a race in the Special Olympics, and his sister makes herself his coach. Ever since we read that book, Lily's been wanting to run in a race.

So, being the crazy mom that I am, I searched the internet and found a race in a nearby town. It was today. Lily ran the 50 yard dash with the other 3-5 year olds and William ran the 100 yard dash with the 6-7 year olds.

It ended up being a good experience. For $10 the kids each got a t-shirt, a real racing number, a participatory ribbon (they both finished dead last), and a goodie bag. The park where it was held had a nice playground and picnic area as well as a swimming pool, so next year I think we will pack lunch and make a day of it.

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