Friday, August 26, 2011

Special Grace

I love being a mom.

However, there are a few things that tempt me to self-pity in this job: when I'm sick and I still have to care for my kids, when my nursing baby bites, when I have to clean up poop, pee, and throw up. This week has been full of all of the above.

The worst was this morning. William has been sick since yesterday, and he has been asking to drink orange juice. I kept saying no. Then this morning he got some for himself while I was upstairs. He spilled it on the table and floor, and then threw up the rest on the carpet.

And yet God is helping me. As I sopped up the mess, I was surprised I was just fine- not especially excited, mind you, but not upset at all or sorry for myself. That's amazing grace! Something I can't explain, and I'm so grateful.

And all week has been like that- seeing cancelled events as a chance to get projects done at home and start homeschool, enjoying little things like animal-shaped sandwich cutters, lift-the-flap library books, playing ice cream stand with Lily, and hearing William call Lily by her name.

Of course, I'd still appreciate your prayers for us all to get better. The girls seem to be on the mend, but Eric says he isn't feeling well now, though he still went to work today. But it's so sweet to know that the grace is there for whatever the day holds. God is our Good Shepherd, and He is watching over us.

1 comment:

  1. Praise God for a calm Mommy in that situation. We have a recipe we call "tummy juice" for just that situation. It seems to work even better than just plain water as a first thing to ingest after throwing up. 1/2 glass oj; 1/2 glass water; pinch baking soda
