Sunday, August 28, 2011

Pretending to be Trees

This was William's idea.

Trying to Sit Up

The Other Side of the World

Friends of ours from Providence are spending a month in Kenya on a medical mission. They have two kids the same ages as William and Lily. We've been following their blog and looking at pictures of Kenya on the internet.

Lily has a special affection for their Ella, and so she has been praying for her while she's on her big trip. We bought a blow up globe and found Kenya and Lily likes to tell people about her friend on the other side of the world. I'm looking forward to hearing Ella tell Lily about all her experiences when they get back.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Special Grace

I love being a mom.

However, there are a few things that tempt me to self-pity in this job: when I'm sick and I still have to care for my kids, when my nursing baby bites, when I have to clean up poop, pee, and throw up. This week has been full of all of the above.

The worst was this morning. William has been sick since yesterday, and he has been asking to drink orange juice. I kept saying no. Then this morning he got some for himself while I was upstairs. He spilled it on the table and floor, and then threw up the rest on the carpet.

And yet God is helping me. As I sopped up the mess, I was surprised I was just fine- not especially excited, mind you, but not upset at all or sorry for myself. That's amazing grace! Something I can't explain, and I'm so grateful.

And all week has been like that- seeing cancelled events as a chance to get projects done at home and start homeschool, enjoying little things like animal-shaped sandwich cutters, lift-the-flap library books, playing ice cream stand with Lily, and hearing William call Lily by her name.

Of course, I'd still appreciate your prayers for us all to get better. The girls seem to be on the mend, but Eric says he isn't feeling well now, though he still went to work today. But it's so sweet to know that the grace is there for whatever the day holds. God is our Good Shepherd, and He is watching over us.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Little Conversations

Sometimes the most significant interactions happen in short little conversations in the middle of doing life. Lily's starting to have these with me, which is so fun.

In the bathroom while getting ready in the morning:
Lily: Mommy, I can go on the potty.
Me: Yep.
Lily: I go on the potty all the time.
Me: Yes, you do.
Lily: William doesn't go on the potty.
Me: He's learning. You know, William's brain doesn't work right. Remember that book we read about the girl and her brother was in a race and his brain didn't work right?
Lily: Yeah, I remember that.
Me: Well, William is the same way. His brain doesn't work right. That's why he has trouble talking, and he's still learning to go on the potty. But that's ok, because we still love him. And he's trying his best, that's what matters, right?
Lily: Right.

While getting dinner:
Lily: Where's Daddy?
Me: He's at work.
Lily: Why don't you go to work?
Me: I work here at home.
Lily: Why?
Me: Because someone has to do the laundry and the grocery shopping and make the meals and take care of you guys.
Lily: I'm sure someone else could do that. You could find someone else to take care of us.
Me: Yeah, you're right. Someone else could do that. We could find someone else. But I want to be the one to watch you guys. You are so much fun, and I don't want to miss out!

All the stuff going on with Sovereign Grace right now reminds me of a little conversation I had in the kitchen with my dad when I was a little girl. Mama was making dinner and Daddy was talking to her about something about Billy Graham.
Me: Daddy, who's Billy Graham?
Daddy: He's a famous evangelist. He travels around the world telling people about Jesus.
Me: Do you wish you were a famous evangelist?
Daddy: No.
Me: Why not?
Daddy: It's really hard to be humble when you're famous. Billy Graham is amazingly humble even though he's famous, but if I was famous, I'm not sure I would do that.

That was a teachable moment that is still instructing me today.

Friday, August 19, 2011

65 Candles

Happy Birthday to the best daddy in the whole world!

One Down, Two to Go...

Thanks all of you who are praying for the kiddos' potty training. It's humbling but sweet of you to join us in this very personal adventure.

Lily has been dry all week, so I think we can say she's successfully potty trained. Praise the LORD! I'm not taking any credit for this. It seems like such a miracle that we're finally there.

You can keep praying for William. I would love for him to get there before school starts next month.

(The picture is of Lily eating a s'more earlier this week.)

Shopping with Grammy

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Race Day

At the beginning of the summer we got a book out from the library about disability. In the book, the boy runs a race in the Special Olympics, and his sister makes herself his coach. Ever since we read that book, Lily's been wanting to run in a race.

So, being the crazy mom that I am, I searched the internet and found a race in a nearby town. It was today. Lily ran the 50 yard dash with the other 3-5 year olds and William ran the 100 yard dash with the 6-7 year olds.

It ended up being a good experience. For $10 the kids each got a t-shirt, a real racing number, a participatory ribbon (they both finished dead last), and a goodie bag. The park where it was held had a nice playground and picnic area as well as a swimming pool, so next year I think we will pack lunch and make a day of it.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Big Feet

Last year William's school shoes were size 12xw. I just bought him a pair of tennies yesterday and they're size 2xw. That's a 3 size jump. In comparison, Lily's shoes this year are a size and a half bigger than last year. Wow, he's grown!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Worship God

Eric is on his way to the WorshipGod conference this morning. He's been going to these conferences for years. But he's excited this year because there are a number of people from the worship team here who are going for the first time. I'm praying it will be a good team building experience.

(The picture is one of my favorites of him leading worship with Greg T and Tim L at a Basic retreat in college.)


Tree Down

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

5 Months

Abigail got her first tooth last week. I tried to take a picture of it, but it's still too small to see with our camera. She's working on sitting up, and loves interacting and watching William, Lily, and Bingley. She's less and less interested in nursing (too distracted), but she sure can down rice cereal and baby food. Isn't she cute as a button?

The Toy is Always Better...

...on the other side of the mirror.

Yesterday I was doing dishes when I heard Bingley start barking and scratching like crazy. Finally I went in the living room to see what was going on. William had brought the mirror down from upstairs, and Bingley was trying desperately to get at the toy he saw that other doggie had. He seemed confused by my laughter.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Potty Training Update

For all of you out there praying for success in the area of potty training for us, I wanted to let you know that this week we have made significant progress.

We're trying a new method (wearing nothing waist down- hope that's not too much detail!), and it's really helping. Thank you so much for praying! Friends who suggested this method said it may take 2-4 weeks to complete, so please keep praying!

In the meantime, I probably won't have many pics of the kids to share...

The Day the World Went Wacky

Another book arrived today that turns out to be an answer to prayer. For a while now I've been looking for a book that explains the Fall. I want to have it to share with kids, especially my own, as they become more aware of William's disabilities. I called Joni and Friends and they didn't know of any. I emailed Stephanie Hubach (author of Same Lake Different Boat) and she didn't know of one. I'd even thought about writing one myself. Then today one of the books I ordered for home school came, and it's the book I've been looking for!

The Day the World Went Wacky starts out,
"A little while back, I was eating my lunch
When I got out an apple and took a big crunch.
The next thing you know, I was in a big chair
With my mouth open wide and my feet in the air.

And just as the dentist put in a huge filling
(My ears were half deaf with the noise of the drilling),
A really hard question came into my brain,
And my really hard question was DID GOD MAKE PAIN?"

Author Janine Suter goes on to explain the Genesis account of the Fall and what it means for us today. She takes as much time to explain the effects of the Fall as to tell the story. She does a good job of explaining God's "riddle" about a coming Savior and how God sacrificed an animal ("Animals can't really pay for our sin, But Jesus' blood can, and this pointed to Him.") Her one page about "...into the world this sin has brought death, and cancer and pimples and shortness of breath..." is very similar to what I would have written myself, only better.

She doesn't talk as much about God's work of restoration through Jesus as I would have. But she does mention it at the end:
"Now no one can go and see Eden today,
Because Noah's Flood has washed it away.
But God has a plan to make everything new
For all those who love Him.
Does that include you?"

I'm excited to use this book when I do an orientation for the kids in his children's ministry class this fall.

Amazing Orchestration

Mark Prater, the founding pastor of the church where Eric and I met and now SGM Board member, is coming to town this weekend. Considering our city is nationally despised and on the edge of the SGM map, and considering the busyness of this season for him, that's amazing.

How can it be? you ask. Why do we get a weekend with a Board member- meeting with our pastors, leadership team, and a church family meeting with him? Has any other SGM church had a Board member at their family meetings, with time for a Q&A? Why do we get that kind of privileged treatment? Is it just the favor of God? Yes, it is.

Darren has been the senior pastor of this church since before Eric and I moved here. But he has never been officially ordained. It was just one of those things that sort of fell through the cracks. And God sovereignly arranged it that Darren would finally get ordained now- in the midst of this controversy. Isn't that wild?

I feel for Darren. I know it's hard for him to enjoy the moment with all that is going on. But he's definitely showing himself to be the man God has chosen for our church for such a time as this. And God has used the timing to give us personal access to Mark Prater. It's so sweet to feel His hand in the storm.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Living History

Do you ever feel like you're living in a biography? I have this week. And as I've prayed for wisdom, I've thought of some of my biography friends.

-What would John Murray do?

-You know how John Adams said, "We have not men fit for the times"? I sure hope we're as wrong as he was.

-Remember how Hudson Taylor prayed and told God that he didn't know what he was doing, and so if God wanted him to start this mission, He would have to take charge of it? And sure enough, Taylor made some major mistakes the first year he brought other missionaries to China, and the young mission almost collapsed. Then God had Taylor's daughter get sick and die, and that removed hard feelings and united everyone again....

God have mercy on us!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Eternal God

[I know that people often avoid discussing controversies. A man at the church here told me how when the church left PDI years ago, no one talked to anyone else about it. They didn't want to gossip or influence each other. So no one knew what anyone else was doing, and in a very difficult season, they each walked alone.

I don't want to gossip, and this is not a forum for discussion, but I don't want to walk alone. So I'm going to share my experience as we go along. Thanks for listening, and more importantly thank you for praying.

Yesterday the Sovereign Grace Board posted the results of the first panel regarding CJ Mahaney's qualifications for ministry. As much as I could see it coming, my heart still sunk when I read it. I told Eric, it felt like my world was falling apart.

Today I was encouraged by the words of this worship song. I'm not sure if I have them all right or who the artist is, but the truth helped me.

Eternal God
Though the earth should tremble and the oceans roar
And the mountains slip into the sea;
I shall not fear any harm, with your powerful arms around me.

I worship You, Eternal God
I worship You, the Unchanging One
Before the angels ever sang one song
Before the morning star had ever shone
You were on Your throne,
Eternal God

Though men’s kingdoms crumble and the nations rage
And rulers and kings come and go;
Yours is the Kingdom unshaken, and You’ve never forsaken Your own!

I worship You, Eternal God
I worship You, the Unchanging One
Before the angels ever sang one song
Before the morning star had ever shone
You were on Your throne,
Eternal God

[Post Script: Eric told me tonight that Mark Altrogge wrote this song in the early 90's, which makes it even more sweet to me...]

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Book Reviews

I mentioned before that I've been a home school wannabe since I was a child. So it's a dream come true for me to start to plan some (very basic) home school units for this year. In addition from benefiting from our large library system, I have started buying books online. A few have arrived already. I thought I would review them as we go along for any other mothers of preschoolers out there.

A is for Adam by Ken and Mally Ham- Not as good as I'd hoped. The subtitle is "The Gospel in Genesis," which sounded promising. I had watched a video of Ken Ham back in high school and knew he was big into creationism. Our first unit is on creation and dinosaurs, so I thought it would be a perfect fit. And the parts about dinosaurs and extinction were good. The pictures were entertaining. But the gospel part focused heavily on judgment- fire insurance salvation. The snake is a huge red dragon, Adam and Eve get literally thrown out of the Garden, the angels at the entrance look angry and mean, and it gives substantially more pages to sin and judgment than to the gospel and grace. Bummer. Maybe we'll use the first few pages or save it for when we're older and can more easily fill in gaps.

This is No Fairy Tale by Dale Tolmasoff- I bought this book because it has a forward by John Piper. Not sure that was wise or not, but this book is great! Beautiful pictures, deep concept presented clearly so even young children can understand- an inspiring contrast between kings in fairy tales and our King Jesus. I'm so excited to use this book as part of our royalty and castles unit! My plan was to talk about Jesus as King anyway- and this looks like the perfect book to do that.

Each page shows two pictures- a small one showing what it would look like if the gospel was a fairy tale- Jesus would be born in a castle and loved by all and lived an easy life and died in honor, etc and a large one showing what really happened along with a short description. It ends with saying how the story of Jesus is really true and, "If you and I trust in Jesus, this story will turn out much better than a fairy tale for us. We really will live happily every after!"

Roll Over

Abby rolled over for the first time this morning. She cried herself through it, but then we celebrated so much, I think she was happy.

Happy Birthday, William!

William turns 6 today. It's hard to believe my boy is growing up. I know I post a lot on this blog about his (and our) challenges, but the fact is he is a joy to us and everyone he knows. We thank God for him!

We had a family party for him on Sunday. I didn't get any pics, but here are some of Grandma B's. We'll be having a friends party at the park tomorrow. Hopefully the weather will cooperate.